Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why fuss when something nice is imitated?

Heard songs from the movie “Urumi” again yesterday, and thought of writing my view about imitation. There has been a huge fuss recently in social media that most of the songs of Urumi are a copy of other language songs, and many describing Deepak Dev as a copy-cat.

Copying a Spanish song or an English movie and “regionalizing” it is not an easy task. Imitations can go bad, many are bad, I agree. But as it applies to creation, good imitations also need to be appreciated. When “One flew over the cuckoos’ nest “reached Kerala as thalavattom, with Mohanlal replacing Jack Nicholson, was it not beautiful? The same applies to songs when imitated from other languages. Extracting the core theme, be it of the movie or of the song, and presenting it to a completely different audience, needs skill!

What Priyadarshan did with thalavattom or Deepak Dev did with Urumi songs, is completely acceptable, considering the mass appeal each of them received. How many of you would have bothered to watch the original movie or hear the original song? Now that someone found that the song is a copy, it is indeed “fun” sharing the videos blaming the music director for producing a copy. Some act as if they curse their timing and bad circumstance which led Deepak Dev hear the song before them, and compose for the movie. And copying just a single part of the song made him a well renowned “imitator”, and there were so many far-fetched conclusions that all of his songs would have been nothing but a copy.

Why not enjoy and appreciate the beauty of a song or a movie, instead of blatantly criticizing! We are not a part of the jury which decides whether the award needs to be presented to him, but just one among the overwhelming majority, who cannot even think of copying a song, leave alone, creating one!

P.S: I am not mentioning about the lines of code we copy on a daily basis, based on Google searches, and what life would have been to us, without Google!


  1. That is a beautiful post MD. Although, I think what people have an issue with is being lied to. I don't think all the songs were copied in any case. Some songs weren't, at least to my knowledge, and you cannot take away the fact that he is good!

    1. Ya, lying after copying something is plain stupidity! Something which I also hate..
